We sing, we harmonize, we entertain, we travel the country competing with the best of the best in the Barbershop Harmony Society and we come away with medals – and memories.
Our society’s motto is “Keep the Whole World Singing” and our performances and outreach efforts bring this motto to life. A chorus community is like no other. Our membership is a diverse family of men of all ages who have two things in common: the love of a cappella singing, and a genuine concern for one another. Members come from all backgrounds and levels of music training in either voice or instruments. So, when you join Sound of the Rockies, you become part of a family with distant cousins from choruses around the world, who will be happy to harmonize with you wherever you go.
Thursdays are Guest Night
We invite anyone who loves to sing and has considered participating in a barbershop chorus to join us at a regular Thursday evening rehearsal. These rehearsals are open to the community and provide a great opportunity to get to know our chorus.
We ask singers who are seriously considering auditioning for Sound of the Rockies to attend at least three rehearsals before moving on to the audition process. Once you express an interest in auditioning, we will assess your voice and invite you to sing with the chorus until we can schedule your audition.
Contact: sing@soundoftherockies.com

Join the fun
If you are a singer, who loves to entertain and is obsessed with harmony, consider joining the Sound of the Rockies family. Come by and get to know us at one of our regular rehearsals:
7 p.m. Thursdays
Christ Church
2950 S University Blvd, Denver CO 80210